  1.What is your skin type? 请问您是什么肤质的?
  2.For oily skin, dry skin or sensitive skin? 请问是油性皮肤、干性皮肤还是敏感性皮肤要用的?
  3.My skin is oily. 我是油性皮肤。
  4.How does this product work? 这个产品有什么功效?
  5.I’d like two bottles of lotion. 我要买两瓶乳液。
  6.I’m looking for a foundation with sun protection. 我想有防晒功能的粉底。
  7.This color suits you. 这颜适合你。
  8.I’d like a brighter color. 我想要亮一点的颜。
  9.Do you have the latest lipstick from Christian Dior? 你们没有迪奥新出的口红?
  10.Can I try this nail polish? 我可以拭擦这瓶指甲油吗?
  11.What’s the difference between these two mascaras? 这两瓶睫毛膏有什么不同?
  12.This one makes your eyelashes look longer, and this one creates a curly effect. 这款是加长型,这款是卷翘型。
  1.What is your size? 你穿几号的?
  2.I don’t know my size. 我不知道我的尺寸。
  3.I think it’s 36. 应该是36。
  4.Here’s one in your size. 这一件是你要的尺寸。
  5. Can you measure my size? 你可以帮我量我的尺寸吗?
  6.Sorry, we don’t have any one in your size. 对不起,我们没有您要的尺寸。
  7.Is there any special brand you’d like? 有什么特别喜欢的牌子吗?
  8.What’s the trade mark? 这是什么牌子的?
  9.What kind of material is this? 这是什么材料?
  10.Whatis this made of? 它是用什么做的?
  11.Isit made of silk? 是丝制的吗?
  12.It’smade of leather with zipper. 是皮制的,还有拉链。
  1.Does it include tax and service charge? 这个价钱含税和服务费吗?
  2.How long do you plan to stay here? 您打算在这里住多久?
  3.Do you have less expensive rooms? 有没有便宜一点的房间?
  4.Could you give me a discount if I stay for threenights? 住3个晚上有没有折扣?
  5.May I see the room, please? 我可以先看看房间吗?
  6.I’ll take the room. 我要定这间房。
  7.I made a reservation and I’d like to check in. 我有预约,想办理住宿登记。
  8.Could you spell out your name? 请问您的姓名怎么拼?
  9.Will you fill in this registration form, please? 请填写这张登记表。火箭卡通
  10.Is breakfast included? 含早餐吗?
  11.What time is breakfast served? 早餐几点供应?
  12.Where is the restaurant for breakfast? 早餐要在哪里吃?
  Situation 1: At the full-service gas station 请服务员加油
  Victor: We’re running out of gas. How far is the nearest gas station?
  Amy: It’s only a few kilometers to the nearest gas station.
  [Five minutes later]
  Victor: Fill it up, please.
  Attendant: What kind of gas would you like?
  Victor: Regular, please.
  Attendant: OK.
  Victor: How much is that?
  Attendant: It comes to $50.
  维多: 我们的车快没油了,最近的加油站还有多远?
  1.I’m Jason White. I reserved a table for two at 8.我叫杰森怀特,我预订了一张8点钟的双人桌。
  2.I don’t have a reservation. 我没有定位。
  3.A table for three, please. 我要一张三人桌。
  4.Have you got a table for eight? 你们有8人桌吗?
  5. Is this place vacant? 这个座位有人吗?
  6.Can we take the small table by the window? 我们可以坐靠窗那张小桌子吗?
  7.Sorry, madam, the one by the window has been booked by others. 对不起,女士,靠窗的那张桌子已经有人预订了。
  8.Do you have a corner table for two? 请问靠角落有两个人的位子吗?
  9.I’ll show you to your table. 我带您到预定的餐桌。
  10.Your table is ready now, sir. Come this way. 先生的餐桌已经准备好,请这边走。
  11.Can we change tables? 我们可以换桌吗?
  12.Can we change to the non-smoking area? 我们能换到禁烟区吗?
  1.There are no towels in my room. 我房间里没有毛巾。
  2. Could you bring it to me? 你可以帮我送过来吗?
  3.The hot water is not hot enough. 水不够热。
  4.The heater in my room doesn’t work. 我房间里的暖气坏了。
  5.The air conditioner is notworking. 空调不能用。学校安全
  6.I can’t lock the door. 我的门锁不住。
  7.The light in my room is not working. 我房间的灯坏了。