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题目:    剧情短片《选择愿望书》创作阐述   
(英文):A Brief Account of the Creation of "Choose wish book" in Drama
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日    期:    2017 5 月   

《选择愿望书》是一部以奇幻彩为主的剧情短片,本文主要阐述男主角意外得 到一本神奇的书后,发现可以用自己拥有的东西跟自己想要的东西进行等价交换,在 通往成功的路上,男主用爱情和友情换成一个大项目,从而达到自己的目的,但是生 活中总是充满着意外和巧合,男主费劲心机想要得到的竟然是自己曾经拥有却不在乎 的。通过一个简单的故事,给故事中的人物严厉的教训。影片是以倒叙的方式演进的, 把事件的结局放到片子的开头来叙述,制造悬念,让剧情富于变化,避免平铺直叙。 本文以导演阐述的方式,阐述前期的剧本创作、拍摄方案、现场的演员调度及后期剪 辑与细节的处理等相关问题,同时对作品创作过程中所遇到的困难与解决方法进行了 分析并提出了个人解决方案。以及对本片子拍摄之中的感受,奇幻类影视作品都有着 自身独有的特点。无论从故事本身,还是拍摄中的镜头语言,包括后期的制作如何营 造一种奇幻的感受,都是创作中的重中之重。
关键词奇幻;《选择愿望书》 ;倒叙;创作阐述
A Brief Account of the Creation of "Choose

wish book" in Drama
"Choose the wish book" is a fantasy color-based drama, this article mainly describes the actor accident to get a magical book, found that you can use their own things with what you want to exchange the equivalent, in the pass To the success of the road, the male with love and friendship into a large project, so as to achieve their own goals, but life is always full of surprises and coincidence, the man struggling to get the effort is to have their own but did not care of. Through a simple story, to the characters in the story of severe lessons. The film is evolved in the form of flashback, the outcome of the event into the beginning of the film to describe, create suspense, so that the plot is full of change, to avoid straightforward. In this paper, the author elaborates the problems such as the planni
ng and creation of the script, the shooting program, the actors' scheduling and the process and details of the later editing, and the difficulties and solutions in the process of micro film production The method was analyzed and a personal solution was presented. Especially in the filming of the feelings, fantasy film and television works have their own unique characteristics. Whether from the story itself, or shot in the lens language, including the late production of how to create a fantastic feeling, is the most important in the creation.
Keywords: fantasy;“Choose wish bookflashbackcreation elaboration