We can’t regard the matter as settled. 我们不能认为这事已经解决。
I finished the work as requested. 我按要求完成了工作。
He had failed to visit her as promised. 他没有按他的诺言来看望她。
Not all of them had gone well, and fewer still had gone as planned. 并非所有的事情都进展顺利,按
Owing to the rain the garden party did not take place as advertised. 由于下雨,游园会没有按照广告说的时间举行。
另一个比较典型的固定搭配是take…for granted(认为……是当然的,想当然地认为)。如:
Don’t take his kindness for granted. 不要把他的友善看作是当然的事。
We must not take it for granted that the board of the directors will approve of the investment plan. 我们
He once did it without being caught. 他有次这样做而未被人抓住。
Who prevented the plan from being carried out? 谁阻止这个计划的实现的?
Instead of being criticized, he ought to be praised. 他不应受到批评而应受到赞扬。
She looked surprised at being asked such a question. 有人问她这样的问题她感到惊讶。
On being introduced, British people often shake hands. 英国人被介绍给别人的时候常常和对方握手。
After being informed the flight would be delayed, we made other arrangements. 在我们得知飞机要推
Leave in oven until cooked. 放在烤箱里一直到烤熟。(可视为在as后省略了it is)
It usually happens as described above. 情况通常就像上面描述的那样发生了。(可视为在as后省略了it is)
I regard his conduct as totally unacceptable. 我认为他的行为是完全不可接受的。
The police do not regard him as being dangerous. 警方认为他不是个危险人物。
He regarded the situation as (being) serious. 他认为形势严重。
We consider this sentence pattern as (being) useful. 我们认为这种句型是有用的。
(2)from用于习语far from表示“远不如”“远没有”时,有时可后接形容词。如:
The problem is far from easy. 这问题绝非易事。
Her pronunciation is far from prefect. 她的语音远不是完美的。
Your account is far from (being) true. 你所说远非事实。
Your work is far from (being) satisfactory. 你的工作一点也不令人满意。
for certain有把握,肯定地
for sure一定,必定:
for short 为了简短,简称
in brief 简言之,简单地说:
in full 完全地,完整地
in general总的说来;大多数
in private 私下地,秘密地
in short 总之,简言之
Where are you going (to)? 你去哪儿?
Where does this road lead (to)? 这条路通到哪儿?
How long have you known her (for)? 你认识地有多久了?
Where do you want me to take these files (to)? 你要我把这些档案送到哪里去?
①副词here和there用作along, around, down, in, near, on, over, round, through, under, up等介词的宾语。如:
Your hotel is quite near here. 你的旅馆离这儿很近。
Be along here at two tomorrow afternoon. 明天下午两点到这里来。
It’s difficult finding your way a round here. 在这一带认路是不容易的。
So I drove all the way down there. 因而我一路开车前往那里。
Open the window—it’s like an oven in here! 打开窗户吧——这里热得像火炉!
I want to ask a question of that man over there. 我想问那边那个人一个问题。
②副词home用作at, (away) from, close to, near, toward(s) 等的宾语。如:
I’m at home every evening. 我每天晚上都在家。
She supposed him to be away from home. 她认为他不在家。
His comments struck unpleasantly close to home. 他的话点中了要害,让人不舒服。
We were driving towards home when we saw the accident. 我们在开车回家的路上目睹了一起车祸。
I’ve got a letter from abroad. 我收到一封国外的来信。
When telephoning from abroad, dial 865, not 0865. 从国外打电话,要拨865,不要拨0865。
④介词from后接behind, downstairs, upstairs, inside, outside, above, below, beneath, underneath, indoors, outdoors, within等表示地点的副词作宾语。如:
The enemy attacked us from behind. 敌人从后面袭击了我们。
The door was suddenly opened from within. 门突然从里面开了。
The noise from downstairs prevented me from sleeping. 楼下的吵闹声使我睡不着觉。
As the door opened, gales of laughter came from inside. 门一打开,里面传出一阵大笑声。
①after后接today, tomorrow等作宾语。如:
The day after today is tomorrow. 今天之后就是明天。
If today is Wednesday, the day after tomorrow will be Friday. 今天要是星期三,后天就是星期五。
② before后接long, yesterday等作宾语。如:
I hope to write to you before long. 我希望不久就能给你写信。
If today is Wednesday, the day before yesterday was Monday. 今天要是星期三,前天就是星期一。
③ by后接now, tomorrow, then等作宾语。如:
He left two hours ago and he should be there by now. 他是两小时前离开的,到现在应该已经到那里了。
If you can’t finish the book by then, you must come and renew it. 这本书如果你到时候还看不完,你应当来续借。
④ for后接today, now, once, ever, long等作宾语。如:
That’s all for today.今天就讲到这里吧。
Just for once he arrived on time. 只有这次他是按时到了。
Nothing engages his attention for long. 什么事都无法使他长时间精神集中。
I wish the friendship between the two countries would last forever. 我希望两国间的友谊天长地久。
⑤ from后接now, today, tomorrow等作宾语。如:
I’ll study harder from now on. 从此我要更加用功。
The new law takes effect from tomorrow. 新法令明日起实行。
A week from today, we’ll be flying home. 一星期之后我们就乘坐着飞机回家了。
⑥ since后接lately, recently, then, yesterday等作宾语。如:
I’ve changed my mind since then. 从那以后我改变了主意。
The army has been shelling the town since yesterday. 军队就从昨天开始就在炮轰这座城镇。
⑦ till, until后接recently, then, now, tomorrow, late, later等作宾语。如:
Shops remain open till late in the evening. 商店一直开到晚上很晚。
I was unaware of his existence until now. 现在我才知道有他这么个人。
Do you want to have lunch now or wait till later? 你是现在吃午饭,还是再等一会儿?
They worked all day and had a hurried lunch in between. 他们工作了一整天,中间匆匆吃了一顿饭。“动词+for”的常用搭配
account for 解释,说明;是……的原因;弄清……的下落;占(一定数量或比例)
How can you account for the accident? 你如何解释这个事故?
I want you to account for every cent you spent. 我要你说明你所花的每一分钱的用途。
Recent pressure at work may account for his behavior. 他的行为也许是最近的工作压力导致的。
One small child was still not accounted for. 还有一个小孩下落不明。
Afro-Americans account for 12% of the US population. 非洲裔美国人占美国人口的12%。
act for 代理
Please act for me during my absence. 我不在时请代理我处理事务。
I acted for our captain while he was in hospital. 我们队长住院时由我代理他。
allow for考虑到,把……考虑进来;体谅
We should allow for every possible delay. 我们应该考虑到任何可能的延误。
We must allow for his youth. 我们必须体谅他的年轻。
answer for对……负责,对……承担责任;保证;代表
I will answer for it (him). 我愿对它(他)负责。
One day you’ll have to answer for what you’ve done. 有一天你得对你今天的所作所为承担责任。
I agree but I can’t answer for my friends. 我同意,但我不能代表我的朋友也同意。
【注】该短语通常用于将来时态或含有情态动词的句子,其后可接名词或代词,一般不接 that 从句,若要接that从句,则应先接形式宾语 it。如:
I can’t answer for his honesty.=I can’t answer for it that he is honest. 我不能保证他是诚实的。
apologize for为……而道歉
He apologized for not being able to meet her. 他因为未能去接她而向她道歉。
I must apologize for the delay in replying to your letter. 未能及时给你回信,我得向你道歉。
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