辛弃疾的西江月1 表示(不确定的)过去发生(可能刚结束)的动作(通常为短暂性动词),但它所造成的状态目前依然存在,后面通常不用时间状语,但句中常出现just, recently, lately, already, yet(用于疑问和否定)等。如:
I’ve just finished reading the novel. 我刚刚读完这本小说。
Have you seen the doctor yet? 你看过医生了吗?
2 表示从过去某时开始的动作或状态一直延续到现在(有可能到将来)(通常为延续性动
词),常和for+时间段(for可以省略)或since +时间点(如:then/1998/five years ago/he left, today, now, so far, up to now, up till now, this week/month/year, in/during/over/for the last/past few years/days等时间状语连用。如:
She has been a teacher for twenty years. 她已经当了20年的老师了。
I haven’t seen Justin since last Friday night. 自上周五晚到现在我一直没看到贾斯廷。
3 表示从过去到现在的反复性和习惯性动作,常和绞股蓝茶的功效always, often, from time to time, frequently, ever, never, seldom, before, once, …times等表示频度的副词和短语连用。如:
I have often/never heard her sing this song. 我经常/从未听她唱这首歌。
Some villagers say that they have seen UFOs many times. 有些村民说他们多次看到过飞碟。
4)现在完成时还可用于时间和条件状语从句中代替将来完成时, 此时强调动作的完成。如:
Let’ wait until the rain stops/has stopped. 让我们等到雨停了。
If anyone has found a watch, would they please leave it on my desk? 如有人发现一块手表,可否请他放在我桌上?
I will write the letter when I have finished the book. 我看完这本书后就写信。
“It/This/That is the first/second…time +that从句,从句谓语动词用现在完成时。
Bill is phoning his girlfriend again. That’s the third time that he’s phoned her this morning.
“… is the +形容词最高级+名词+定语从句,从句谓语动词用现在完成时。
He is the most diligent student that I have (ever) taught 他是我教过的最勤奋的学生。
“It is +一段时间+since+一般过去时(谓语动词为短暂性动词)。如:
It is two years since he left the country. 他离开这个国家已有两年了。
=He left the country two years ago.=He has been away from the country for two years.
become---be;  come/arrive---be here, go/leave---be away, return/get back---be back, die---be dead;  join the army---serve in the army, marry---be married to, borrow-the book--keep the book, catch a cold---have a cold, start/begin---be on (开始,进行,放映)end/finish/stop---be over, appear---be there, disappear---be gone, get lost---be missing(丢失)。
2 现在完成进行时
旅游最佳地方 (1) 现在完成进行时定义:
1 表示过去开始的动作一直延续到现在并仍在继续之中。它常和how long, for+时间段, since+时间点结构及all the time, this week, all day/night, all the morning等连用。如:
I haven’t been sleeping well since I returned home. 回到家以来我一直睡得不好。
We have been looking at other possibilities too, such as murder.
2 表示过去开始的动作刚结束并在某种情况下与现在有关联。如:
      —Sorry, I’m late. Have you been waiting long? 对不起,我迟到了。你等了很久了吗?
—Yes. I’ve been waiting for an hour. 是的,我等了一个小时了。
3 表示现在以前这段时期反复发生的动作(强调次数多,动作不一定持续)。如:
He has been cycling to work for the last three weeks. 三周以来,他一直骑自行车上班。
      We’ve been seeing quite a lot of each other recently. 最近我们经常见面。
Jim has been phoning Jenny every night for the past week. 一周来吉姆每晚都给杰妮打电话。
3.  现在完成时和现在完成进行时的区别:
1 现在完成时表示到现在为止动作已经完成,强调结果;而现在完成进行时强调动作本身的持续性,不管动作是否完成。如:
I have read this novel. 我已读过这本小说。(可能刚读过,也可能是很久以前读的)
    I have been reading this novel. 我一直在读这本小说。(不一定看完)
这种词包括write, build, design, repair, clean等。
2 现在完成时表示反复发生的动作,询问或说明已经完成动作的多少或次数,用how many times;而现在完成进行时表示持续的不间断的动作,询问或说明动作的延续性(长久),用how long。如:
How many times have you visited Egypt this month? 你本月访问过埃及几次?
How long have you been reading that book? 那本书你读了多长时间了?
3 一些表示感情和情绪的词,如:like, care (=like), love, fear, hate, desire, mind, value, want, wish;表示精神活动的动词,如:agree, appreciate (=understand), believe, expect (=think), imagine, feel (=think), think, trust, forget, remember, know, mean, realize, recognize, doubt;感官动词,如:appear, look, seem, see, notice, observe, sound, hear, taste;状态动词,如:have, belong, owe, own, possess, exist, last, contain, weigh, deserve等不能用于现在完成进行时,但可用于现在完成时。如:
They’ve known each other since 1970. 自从1970年起他们就相互认识了。
4 现在完成时的句子中可以用像never, yet, alreadyever周末趣事作文这样的词,而现在完成进行时的句子中不可以用这些词。如:
I have already been to London. 我已去过伦敦。路亚饵
  5 现在完成时表示的重复行动有时可以用现在完成进行时表示为连续的行动。如:
      I’ve written six letters since breakfast. 早饭后我已经写了六封信。
      I’ve been writing letters since breakfast. 早饭后我一直在写信。
      I have knocked five times. I don’t think anybody is in. 我已敲了5次门。我想屋里没人。