例:My brother has left here.
  但不可以说My brother has left here for 3 years.真正的英雄
        要说My brother has been away from here for 3 years.
go, come, leave, arrive, lose, land, catch, join, kill, find
但有:She has gone to Nanjing for three days
一般有:leave→be away, borrow→keep, buy→have, begin/start→be on, die→be dead, move to→live in, finish→be over,  join→be in/be a member of, open sth.→keep sth. open, fall ill→be ill, get up→be up, catch a cold→have a cold
我们说的瞬间动词不能用在现在完成时中,是指当句子中有表示时间段状语的时候不能用,而一般情况下是可以用的。比如说I have joined the army for three years胺碘酮的作用及副作用就是错的,join是个瞬间动词,当加上一段时间的时候需要作相应的变化,也就是I have been a member in the army for three years.
好听网I have left my book at home川流不息的川是什么意思是个正确的句子,因为这句话没有表示时间段的状语。还有I hav
e left school是正确的,如果要加上时间状语for three days就要变成怎么焖米饭I have been away from school for three days.
I have left my book at home如果要加上时间状语的话可以改为I have kept my book at home for three hours.
比如说leave for Beijing 意思是去北京

离开家 leave home