例如:He said that he had never seen such a beautiful place before.(先看见过,再说)
Lucy told me that she had been to Beijing twice.(先去过,再告诉我)
出现在主从复合句中,常于when \  before  \  after\as soon as 引导的时间状语从句连用.
例如: You had cleaned the classroom when I got here.
My mother had cooked supper before I went home.
Mr Liu had taught in the school for 38 years before I came here.
庆国庆手抄报内容I went to bed after I had finished my homework.
      注意: 在以上两种主从复合句中,经常存在两个动作,先发生的用过去完成时态,
出现在简单句中, 常于by(表示在…之前 \ 到…的时候) \ before 构成的时间状语连用.
    by, before +李大钊纪念馆过去的时间点;
例如: I had finished my homework 庄山by 11 last night.
依阿华级战列舰I had reached school before 7 oclock this morning.
出现在简单句中, 常于by the end of (到…末为止)引导的时间状语连用.
例如:By the end of the match, we had scored 3 goals.
We had learned 1000 English words by the end of last term.(到上学期末为止,既单词是在上学期末之前学的)
与by the time (表示在…之前 \ 到…的时候) 构成的短语连用,
例如:By the time we got there, the bus had already gone.(当我们到那的时候, 车已经开走了).
By the time they called, I had left.
与as (表示象\ 按照) 引导的从句连用.
例如;We did as he had told us.(我们按照他告诉我们的去做)
否定句: had + not +过去分词 或 hadnt +过去分词                    一般疑问句: 把had 提到句首.
特殊疑问句: 疑问词+ 一般疑问句语序
I had finished my homework by 11 last night.                  He had learned 1000 words by the end of last term.
I hadn’t finished my homework by 11 last night.                He hadn’t learned 1000 words by the end of last term.
Had you finished your homework by 11 last night?              Had he learned 1000 words by the end of last term?
Yes, I had.        No, I hadn’t.                            Yes, he had.      No , he hadn’t.
I had learned 4 songs by the end of last term.      How many songs had you learned by the end of last term?
在主从复合句中,如有after, before 引导的时间状语从句,由于从句的动作和主句的动作发
生的顺序已经非常明显,有时可用 一般过去时态代替过去完成时态.
例如: He called me after he had come back..===  He called me after he came back.
对于一连串的过去动作,相互之间衔接十分紧密, 可以全部使用一般过去时态,不用过去完成时态.
例如:He got up at six yesterday, washed, brushed his teeth, went downstairs and then did morning exercises.
1)Peter told us that he____(finish)the work already.
2)They_____(wait) for two hours when he_____(come).
3)When we got to the station, the train_____(leave) already.
4)She made a lot of friends after she_____(study) in this school for three months.
5)He said that he______(not go)on the trip with us because he _____(be) there twice.
6)We______(learn) more than 700 words by the end of last year.
7)Ted went to the class again to get the book he _____(leave) there.
8)By the end of last week we_____(plant) 400 trees in our school.
9)He said that Mary _____(go) to London next month.