Everyone has his most unforgettable thing.Friendship may be the most impotant thing in our life.It's like a light that gives us brightness.I have many things that I can't forget with my friends.
One day,I showed a new watch to my best friend.The watch is very pretty and I like it very much.When I passed it to her,she dropped it and the watch crashed into pieces.I shouted to her:I don't want to see you again.She cried at once after school.I found a pretty pencil case in my desk.In the pencil case,I f ound a note which said:“Dear Cristine,I gave this to you because I don't want to lose you.Can you forgive me?" I was moved by the note and I felt regret with my words.I said sorry to her and we were closer than before.A friend is like a star in the sky.He (She) is always there around you.I can't forget this thing forever.
Today's fourth quarter,mathematics class is the most unforgettable for me.The teacher said: "I'll tell you a newspaper now,which was the newspaper with the most mistakes in homework yesterday.It was written by Liu Yanming." This sentence is like a bolt from the blue.It strikes my heart heavily.I hear my name.I'm surprised.I haven't done so much before.How can I make so many mistakes today? When the teacher put it on the display,I could hardly see a correct number.I was surprised.How could I make so many mistakes? What's wrong with me? What if grandma knows? At that time,I really couldn't imagine that now the teacher put my newspaper on the display platform,which is not the laughingstock of the whole class.How can I still have the face to stay in the
class? I almost cried at that time.Miss Su said,"Liu Yanming,how do you do your homework? Is it made with feet? Didn't your parents check you out? " Facing this series of questions,I really don't know how to answer.The teacher began to tell the papers.I felt that every second was really hard.The whole class laughed at me.Looking at their sarcastic expressions,I was really sad and
ashamed.But what could I do? Who made me so wrong?
After the teacher's ments.I just know that my basic knowledge is not solid.Fractions divided by fractions and fractions,integers divided by a number divided by its reciprocal,while I divide by its number.
After class,the teacher asked me to take it home and sign.I was ashamed to take my homework paper.I hold up my broken newspaper to vent.Xie Jiafei told me not to feel ashamed and sad because of the wrong questions.In the future,I should pay attention to listening in class and do the questions carefully.At first,I didn't want to listen to her preaching.What do you mean to laugh at me? Until later I figured it out,I couldn't be discouraged by making a few mistakes.I wanted to calm my impetuous mood,correct my mistakes,and stop making them next time.
I went back home to change the question and admitted my mistake to grandma.Grandma also said that you have changed this time and don't do it again.I gave my grandmother a guarantee,and then she signed.In the afternoon,I handed it in to the teacher and made a mistake.
I am determined to study hard in the future.Correct learning attitude. 最难忘的一件事大学英语作文3
One of my roommate often talk when he sleeps.He talked about all kinds of things.For example,last
night,I had a hard jod to fall asleep.I read a novel to make my eyes feel sleepy.When I was concentrated to the story,I heard he said:"how much do you want?" It sounds like he was arguing a price with somebody,I was very strange,so I asked:" Are you awake?what are you talking about?" there was not re*.
At that time,he begain to talk agin:"OK,OK."It was the first time I heart him talk,so I did afraid of that and unforgettable.
When I was a little child,I was so naughty that I always did something angry my parents.They always
blamed to me,but I never listened to them.I thought they were too strict with me.But I changed in someday.My parents always told me to be careful when I went out.However,all I thought was they worried too much.On my way to take the bus home,there was a traffic light.That day,when I got to the cross road,the light was red,but there was no car crossed the road anymore.
So I went across the road without the light turning to green.At this moment,a car rushed quickly towards me.I was suddenly scared,so that I couldn’t move but stood still.Luckily,the driver broke the car quickly and I did not get hurt.But I did scared.I couldn’t image what would happen if the car did not stop in time.
I told my parents what I experienced.At first,they blamed me as usual and I knew I was wrong that time.Therefore,I did not say anything.They realized that I was frightened,so they forted me patiently.
I finally knew that all they said and done was good to me.After that,I was much more careful and I listened to my parents.
Childhood is colorful,childhood is colorful,childhood like knocked over the five flavors,sweet and sour
taste of salty flavored together.My childhood has one of the most memorable things,what is it? Look below.