1.in other words换句话说,也就是说
He doesn’t like work. In other words, he is lazy. 他不爱工作,换句话说,他很懒。
2.  in words  用文字
Can you describe it in words? 你能用文字描述它吗?
3.  in a / one word 总之,简言之
In a word, I think he’s a fool. 总之,我认为他是个傻瓜。
4.  in word 口头上
The teacher asked his students to explain the law in word.老师让学生口头上解释一下这个定律。
5.  have a word with sb.和某人说几句话
Can you spare me a few minutes? I’d like to have a word with you. 你能给我几分钟的时间吗?我有话跟你谈。
6.  have words with sb.与某人争吵
She had words with his husbands about who should do the housework. 她和她丈夫就谁应该做家务吵了一架。
7.  by word of mouth 口头上的
He received the news by word of mouth. 他得到的是口头上的消息。
8.    a play on words 双关语
The advertising slogan was a play on words. 那条广告的口号是双关语。
9.  word for word逐字地
He repeated what you said word for word.他一字不差地复述您说的话。
break one’s word失信;
be as good as one’s word/keep one’s word守信;例如
You’ll find she is as good as her word.
eat one’s words承认自己说错话;
leave word留言;例如:
Please leave word of your safe arrival/that you have arrived safely.
big words大话;
fair/good word恭敬话;
go back on one’s word 食言;
from the word go从一开始;例如:
She knew from the word that it was going to be difficult.