Learning English Now
  English is becoming more and more useful. It can help you to get a better job. English can allow you to communicate freely with foreigners. You will make new friends with people all over the world. In the 21st century, English will be a powerful weapon in our life. You will also find a nice surprise—— speaking English is so fun!
   Let’s master English to make our future brighter!
   I like music very much. I always listen to music on my way to school. Music is like my best friend. When I feel down and blue, I will listen to my favorite music. This is a world of my own and no one can disturb me. Music is so wonderful that it makes my life colorful.
If I Were a Millionaire
  高德领 What would you do if you were a millionaire? Many people would buy a house or travel the world. As for me, I would start a school. If I had a school, I would be able to edu
cate many children and teach them right from wrong. Anyone will tell you that children are a country’s future. If my dream comes true, I will be very happy because I will be doing my country a good service.
清明上河图作者是谁  如果你是个百万富翁,你将会做些什么呢?许多人会买房子或环游世界。至于我,我会开办一所学校。如果我有一个学校,我就能够教育很多孩子,教育他们明辨是非。大家都说孩子是祖国的未来。如果我梦想成真,我就会高兴因为我为祖国作出巨大贡献。
Be Polite
   My grandpa helps me a lot in my life. He teaches me to be polite to others. He often says, “Everyone should be polite”. Is he right? Of course, yes. Polite people show good manners. They are popular. On the contrary, bad manners are a sign of poor education. So, why not be polite? A simple “Please”, “Thank you” or “You’re welcome” can make a bi
g difference.
The importance of smiling
   Life is like a mirror: When you smile, people will smile back. If you keep on smiling and being kind, smiling and kindness will become your habits. And you will see a big difference in your life. If everyone tried to do this, the world would be a kinder, brighter, happier place.
Start smiling right away!
A letter to my parents
 Dear mom and dad,
  I have a very important message for you.
  I love you.
 I care about you deeply.
 Today I want to tell you something from my heart.
 I know you work very hard every day.
 I know you do so many things for me.
 I know you sacrifice a lot for me.
 I know you love me.
 I know you are counting on me.
 I know you want me to be a great student.
 I know you want me to be very successful in the future.
 My dear mom and dad,
 Don’t worry about me.
 I won’t let you down.
 You will be proud of me.
 China will be proud of me.
 I love you.
My special oath
Today I truly believe---- This unique journey will completely change my life!
Today I truly believe----- That all my efforts will produce generous returns!
Today I truly believe---- English will be a powerful weapons in my life!
Today I truly believe---- My dreams of speaking beautiful English will come alive!
I will speak good English!
I will because I think I will!
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Right now!
Stop to smell the flowers
近视眼方法  In the hustle and bustle of modern-day life, people seldom stop to enjoy the beauty of nature.
  Ask yourself how many times you have listened to the birds sing. And when was the last time you looked at the sparking stars twinkle in the sky?
  Time files and life is short. So don’t forget to stop to smell the flowers. In our eagerness to make a living, we often forget about our quality of life. Too often you hear people say, “I am too busy,” for this or that. What a shame! One day, when they do find time to stop to s
mell the flowers, it might be too late.