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Hello, friends! Now we have reached Tangkou, an important town in the southof Huangshan scenic spot. First of all, I would like to introduce the generalsituation of Huangshan Scenery.
Huangshan Mountain, located in the south of Anhui Province, China, is partof the Nanling Mountains, covering an area of about 1200 square kilometers. Themiddle part of the Mount Huangshan mountains is the essence of Mount Huangshan,and the Mount Huangshan scenic spot we want to visit is about 154 squarekilometers. It is in Huangshan City, adjacent to she County, Huizhou District,Xiuning County and she County in the south, and Huangshan District in the north;these five counties and districts are also
under the jurisdiction of HuangshanCity.
Huangshan was called Yishan before the Tang Dynasty in China. Yishan has ablack appearance. Because the rocks on the mountain are mostly green and black,the ancients gave it such a name. It is said that Xuanyuan Huangdi, theforefather of the Chinese people, came there to collect herbs, refine pills andbathe in hot springs after he finished the unification of the Central Plains andstarted the Chinese civilization. Li Longji, the famous emperor of the TangDynasty, believed this idea very m
uch. In 747, he issued an imperial edict tochange the name of Yishan to Huangshan. It means that this mountain belongs tothe Yellow Emperor. Since then, the name of Huangshan has always beenpresent.
My friends, when you are not far away, even thousands of miles away, do youwant to see the beauty of Huangshan with your own eyes Isn't it just to feelthe joy of life Yes, Huangshan is very beautiful. It can be said that tiandiqimountain is a great pleasure in life to visit it and see it with one's own eyes.A long time ago, in the long geological history, the boundless force of naturecreated the beautiful style and various strange landscapes of
Huangshan, whichwas fascinating and intoxicating.
The beauty of Huangshan lies in its unique peaks. There is a competitiveshow, and the peak is called strange. Each has its own characteristics andcharm. There is no exact number of the odd peaks in Huangshan. There are 36 bigpeaks and 36 small peaks named successively in history. In recent years, 10famous peaks have been selected into the "Huangshan annals". Most of these 80peaks are over 1000 meters above sea level. Among them, Lianhua peak is thehighest (1864 meters), Guangming peak is the second (1841 meters), and Tiandupeak is the third (1829 meters). T
hese three peaks and Shixin peak (1683 meters)are Huangshan's friends. Even one of the four peaks is worth the trip.
Next, I'd like to introduce the "four wonders" of Huangshan separately.
When it comes to the "four wonders" of Huangshan, Qi song ranks first.Where is Huangshan Songqi First of all, strangeness lies in its tenaciousvitality. You can't help but wonder when you see it. Generally speaking, wherethere is soil, plants and crops can grow, while Pinus tabulaeformis grows fromhard Huanggang rock. There are
pine trees growing everywhere in HuangshanMountain. They grow on the top of peaks, cliffs and deep valleys. They are lushand full of vitality. For thousands of years, they have burst out of the rocksand their roots have been deeply rooted in the cracks of the rocks. They are notafraid of barrenness, drought, wind, thunder, rain and snow. Can you say nowonder Secondly, Pinus taiwanensis is unique in its natural shape. On thewhole, the needles of Pinus taiwanensis are short and thick, the leaves arethick green, the branches are curly, and the crown is flat, showing a kind ofsimple, steady and vigorous momentum. Every pine tree and every pine tree hasits own unique beauty in appearance, appearance and charm. According to theirdifferent forms and verve, people gi
ve them natural and elegant names, such asYingke pine, Heihu pine, Wolong pine, Longzhao pine, Tanhai pine, Tuanjie pine,etc. They are the representatives of the rare pines in Huangshan.
Grotesque stones are another unique feature of Huangshan. Strange rocks canbe seen everywhere in Huangshan. The shapes of these strange rocks vary greatly.Some are like people, some are like objects, and some reflect some myths,legends and historical stories.