1.I’m writing to express my views
2. You have asked for some advice
concerning… and I will try to give
you my suggestions.
3. I would like to suggest that…
4. I am writing in reply to…
5. In my opinion, I would say
1.I think/believe it would be
better/very helpful / beneficial if
you ……
2.It is desirable that …是可取的….
3.I would like to suggest/ recommend
that …… Why not ……
4.It would help to ……. This would
5.Perhaps there could be …..
段尾: 1.I hope that you may c onsider doing …… 2 I would be ready to further discuss this decision. 3.I trust you will
take my suggestions into account.
Dear ______,有趣的广告词
①You have asked me for my advice with regard to(关于)
墨水怎么洗______ , and I will try to make
some practical suggestions here. ②In my opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions: ______(建议的
③I hope you will find these
proposals(提议) useful, and I
would be ready to discuss this
matter with you to further details. Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
Dear …,
I am writing to make some
suggestions as to……/ I am writing to express my views concerning…./ You have asked me f or my a dvice with regard to … , and I will try to make some constructive suggestions here.
In my opinion, you would be
wise to …… / I would like to suggest first that ……. With the help of …, you can ……
Besides/In addition/What’s
英语书信more/ Furthermore, if you ……, you would be able to …….
Finally/ Last but not least/, you
may consider……. This way …….
I sincerely hope that you will
除夕小报take my suggestions into
consideration, and your prompt迅速的attention to my suggestions would be highly appreciated./ I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discuss this
matter with you to further details.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
2. 人物写照
3. 地方介绍
4. 调查报告(2007广东卷:谁是你的偶像)
5. 事物介绍(2008 广东卷:奥运比赛项目射击)
6. 新闻采访(2009 近视问题;2010政府禁烟)
7. 看图写作(社会现象或寓言、成语故事)
8. 图表说明(表格,柱状图,曲线图,扇形图
a)适当减少课时,留出思考时间 b)反复训练重要、易错知识点,培养能力 c)减少作业量以保证质量 d)
No. 42 Zhongshan Road,
Shenzhen City, Guangdong
红枣的功效June 8,2012
1)In order to guarantee the teaching quality in the
course of the general revision, we senior three students at
least have 9 periods each day apart from morning and evening classes. 2)Besides, we have got a lot of homework t o do, which
makes us exhausted. 3)According to the real situation of us students, we think that it is necessary to reduce the amount
of periods and leave us time to think by ourselves. 4)Meanwhile, give us more practice on those im
portant and confusing points
to cultivate our ability to deal with problems. 5)Furthermore, reduce daily homework to assure the quality and give us less
criticism but more encouragement, which we think will be beneficial to us all. Yours
Students’ Union
1. 建议信的内容安排
信头___________________________________________________________ _________ 称呼___________________________________________________________ _________ 第1,2句__________________ 第3,4,5句__________________
结束语___________________________________________________________ _______ 签名___________________________________________________________ _________