Education is the basis to ensure that a nation can get a better future with promising backbones. However, as to whether the young children or students in universities should be given priority when it comes to the government's sponsorship, various opinions are held by different people. As far as I am concerned, I strongly believe that government should spend more money on universities instead of on young children as for a couple of reasons.未央夜
To begin with, it is a fairly prevailing saying from different walks of life that more money should be given the young children education, while I admit the necessity and certain points in this prevailing contention, I must say that when it comes to support in the form of money, young children education should come after university education. After all, young children education needs less textbooks or teaching facilities in the tutoring process, instead, it relies more on the oral transmission of knowledge and the moral education, whose number one purpose is to help children distinguish good and evil, what should be encouraged and what be avoided instead of practical and opaque knowledge, all of which can be achieved by more concentrated and devoted teachers. So I do not think much money is needed to guarantee the high quality of young children education. Indeed, my mother is a math teache
r and the dean in a primary school in my hometown and according to her, sponsorship from local government is fairly low compared with the total revenue but is quite enough for their school to function as usual.
Comparing with youth education, higher level of education, typically that in universities require more material devotions and deserves more money support from governments. On the one hand, more textbooks, bigger schoolyards in response to more students as well as the building of dormitories as most students in universities live far away from home and choose to live on campus require a lot of money, far more than what is needed in a primary school or in a kindergarten. Thus it is difficult for the university itself to bear all the cost without help from government. On the other, and also the main part in a university budget is the money devoted to programs running and the advanced equipments in laboratories, especially for science departments like physics or chemistry. Such devotion may be millions of dollars, quite a hardship for universities to take if they receive no outside support. For example, I am majoring in material science and technology and our lab has recently purchased one set of Atom Force Microscopic, a reall怎样回删除的文件
y brilliant and good help for us to better analyze different materials. It cost us $1,200,000, of which more than half is paid with Technology Development Funds offered by Nanjing government. It is such a help otherwise we by ourselves couldn't have been able to get the AFM.安全教育片
Finally, and the one most compelling for me to hold my position is that the money devoted to university education has greater payback. This is easy to understand as students in the universities will within no time step into society and make contributions directly to our nation while for those young children, they have plenty long period of time before they can even have direct relations with social development. As we all know that a consumer should use his money more efficiently, which means he can get more with a certain amount of devotion, this situation is equally the same with governments. To use money more effectively, government should put more efforts to university education, offering college students more opportunities to have internships in corporations or to conduct researches deeper in a certain area of subject. So when those students begin their job career, they will be better competent to take over the responsibilities from older generatio
ns, which, will finally benefit our society as a whole.
To sum up, support for youth education pales in importance compared with support for college education and also, the later one gives our society more direct benefits.
>time is money