A) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。
1. My sister is -----(terrify) of dark.She can't go out at night by herself.
2. After the dog's-----(dead) ,the boy isn't happy all the time.
3. We made a -----(decide)to send the naughty boy to Mr. Wang.
4.All the students are very ------(surprise) to hear that the leaders won't come.
5.The mother took ------(proud) in her son's success.
(B) .根据句意,选用下列词组,并用适当形式填空。
  without    be terrified of  right  problem  used to  be interested in
in the dark  spider  chew  sure          .
6.He -----be late for school last term, didn't he?
7.Suddenly all the lights went out and we were left-------.
8.I am ------that you can pass the exam if you work hard.
9.Miss Wang------flying on an airplane for the first time.
10.A ------is an insect with eight thin legs and it feeds on other smaller insects.
11.------your food well before you swallow it.
12.I have to answer the phone ,but I'll be ------back.
13.She ------shopping all the time.
14.I've come out ----any money.
15.I am not good at English .My biggest -----is  that I have no time.
16.I used to be nervous when I was asked to answer the teacher's question .(改为一般疑问句)
-------you ----- to be nervous when you were asked to answer the teacher's question?
17.Her mother spent 35 yuan buying the yellow schoolbag in the supermarket.(改为同义句)
Her mother ------- 35 yuan -----the yellow schoolbag in the supermarket.
18.Ann has decided to be a great inventor when she grows up. (改为同义句)
Ann has ------a----- to be a great inventor when she grows up.
19.We were surprised that the little girl could work out the difficult math problem.(改为同义句)
-------  ------  -------- the little girl could work out the difficult math problem.
20.The boy stopped playing tennis from then on.(改为同义句)
The boy didn't play tennis -----  ----- from then on.
She -----  ------ be on the swim team ,but now she is on the soccer team.
Ann ------  ------  ------- at twelve o'clock last night.
He's -----  ------ living here .
The gentlemen in Great Britain ------  ------  ------ their manners in the past.
25 .抽烟有害身体健康。请戒掉吧。
Smoking is bad for health .Please -----it ----.
(    )26. My grandfather      us stories when I was young.
  A. was used to tell  B. is used to telling  C. used to tell  D. used to telling
(    )27. My teacher often tells us not to be afraid of ___ mistakes.
    A. do      B. doing    C. make    D .making
(    )28. You used to play the piano very well,_____?
  A. used you    B. didnt you  C. wasnt you    D. did you
(    )29.When I walked past his office at 11 o'clock last night ,I saw the lights in it
still ________ .
    A. in      B. on        C. at      D .off
(    30. Many students in our class are _____ of the dark ,but I am ______ in it .
  A. terrified ; interested      B. interested; terrified
  C. terrifying ;interesting    D. interesting ;terrifying
(    )31 .I don't 1ike to go to sleep____the 1ight on.
A. in    B. to      C with    D .and
(    )32. Would you mind  ______      the door? Its too hot here.
          A.to open            B. openning        C. opening        D. opened
(    )33. She is  ______  girl.
        A. an 18—years—old          B. an 18—year—old
C. a 18 years old             D. a 18—year—olds
(    )34--Dont you usually walk to school?
    --          .  I sometimes ride to school.
    A Yes , I do. B No , I do C Yes , I dont D No, I dont
(    )35 .The boys dont know ___________            .
        A how do they swim    B. how swim      C. they how swim    D. how to swim
(    )36. ---What do you think of your Chinese teacher ? –
-She is always ______ with us .
    A. excited  B. afraid    C. kind    D. patient
(    )37. ______ you have passed your exam ,you should study hard .
    A. Even though  B. Because  C. When    D.If
(    )38. My brother ________ works in that factory .he has become a bus driver.
    A.not longer  B. not any longer  C .no longer  D. not any more
(    39 I spent half an hour______        my homework.
      A. finish doing    B. finishing doing    C. to finish doing    D. finishing to do
(    )40. His brother is good at footballand he is ____ his schoo1 team.
      A. at      B. in        C. on      D. of
(    )41. He _____ has time for concerts, does he?
  A. hard    B. hardly  C. already    D. ever
(    )42. My life _____ a lot in the last few years.
  A. change  B. changed  C. has changed  D. have changed
(    )43. He will go there _______ me, because I am too busy at home.
        A. instead            B. instead of        C. with            D. taking
(    )44.  We  were  very  sad  to hear  that the car accident          the  deaths  of
over 30 poeple.
A made      B put        C caused      D gave
(    )45The dog        several days ago. I  felt  very  sorry  for its          .
    A died, death      B died, died      C death , died    D death , death 
My grandfather is eighty years old. He often  1  how thing have changed. He says that life  2  be better.
Families arent the same as    3  used to be. Lots of people have divorced(离婚).  4    a husband and a wife are having problems with their marriage, they wont stay together  5  . And mothers used to stay at home and  6  their children, but no more now. Everyones working, so they dont have  7  for children.
And the cars! No one  8  anymore, everybody drives. But people used to walk to school every day, even in winter.
And people dont talk to  9  anymore. They are too busy to talk, too busy to eat, too busy to think ……
Life used to be simple,  10  it isnt anymore.
(    )46Acomplains about  Bis angry with  Ctries his best  Dtalks with
(    )47Ais used to    Bused to    Cwas use to  Duse to
(    )48Athey    Bthat    Cthis    Dit
(    )49中国的地形产品调查ABecause      BSince      CWhen    DIf
(    )50Aany more  Banother    Canything  Danybody
(    )51Amake a decision    Blook after
Care interested in    Dpay attention to
(    )52Atime      Bmoney      Cschool  Dhome
(    )53Atakes a bus  Bwalks  Cby car  Don foot
(    )54Athemselves    Beach other
Ctheir sons      Dtheir parents
(    )55Aand  Bor  Cbut    Dso
A:Hey,Ted !Don't you remember me?
B:Wow!You are Jane ,---56--you?
A:That's right .
B:You --57--to be really shy, didn't you?
A:Yeah.I---58--very outgoing .
B:You used to --59-- afraid of flying in an airplane ,---60---you?
A:Yes, I did .
B:Are you ---61--- afraid of flying in an airplane ?
A:No,I'm not .---62--about you .
B:Me? Oh ,I'm---63---of flying in an airplane .
A:So what do you  do ---64---it?
B:I usually go out ---65--- bus.
    Once there lived a man in a small town. He often said, time is moneyIf I have lots of gold, I shall be the happiest man in the world.
      One day he was traveling in North Africa. He lost his way and he was so hungry and thirsty that he couldnt walk any more. There were only stones and sand around. Just then he saw a bag on the sand. He took it up. But when he opened it, he saw it was full of gold.He left the bag on the sand and cried, What is the use of gold to a hungry man?
(  )66. What did the traveler love best?
A. Food    B. Drinks      C. Stones        D. Gold
(  )67.When he lost his ways in the desert(equal沙漠) of North Africa, ______. 
A. he had nothing to eat or to drink    B. he saw stones and sand around him
C. he was happy to find a bag of gold  D. he found a bag full of drinks
(  )68. He lost his way means_____.
A. he didnt know where he was and where to go
B. he didnt know where he came from
C. he didnt know how to return home 
D. he lost what he had on the way
(  )69. When he found a bag full of gold he felt_______.
A. happy    B. hungry        C. thirsty        D. sad
(  )70. Whats the most useful to a hungry man?______.
A. Food    B. Gold      C. Bread        D. Stones