陪伴孩子>晏道刚中考英语作文范文  王林在学校看见一张英语讲座的宣传海报,他立即用e-mail把这个消息告诉了同学刘明,并约他一起参加。请根据王林e-mail的内容,把海报内容还原。海报格式已给出。
  Dear Liu Ming,
  I have a piece of good news to tell you.
  A lecture on American English and British English will be held in Reading-room Ⅱof our library at 2:00 pm, Saturday, Oct. 20th. The lecturer is by Dr. John Smith from New York University. After the lecture the film the Sound of Music will be shown.
  I know you like English and do well in it. Will you join me? I-ll meet you at the school gate at 1:45 pm that day.
  Wang Lin

  【海报标题】A lecture
英语作文范文  A lecture
  Subject: American English British English
  About the lecturer: Dr. John Smith, from New York University
怎么设置代理服务器  Time: 2:00─4:00pm Sat. Oct. 20th, 2007
  Place: Reading-room Ⅱ, library
  Following film: the Sound Of Music