The trees have the very vital role regarding the protection nature ecological equilibrium. In the last century world's forest probably reduced 1/4. The biodiversity receives the destruction, the one who is threaten finally is the humanity. Our country in the recent 10 years discovered already exterminated the precious wild animal reaches 18 kinds, receives the wild animal which exterminates the threat to reach the nearly thousand kinds. Now in the global higher plant the endangered species reach 5000 kinds, causes 40,000 living thing's survivals which is connected with it to be threaten. “life Pyramid” the theory tells us, the humanity is that stone which Pyramid goes against, millions of plant, the animal will compose the Pyramid tower body, the tower have experienced personally to the destruction will certainly to endanger the humanity the survival. The concerned expert has conducted the special research to plant's environmental protection function, 10 meter high big trees, it creates every year environment value between 1000 Yuan - 5000 Yuan. The plant regarding the environment protective function is various. It carries on the photosynthesis, the manufacture oxygen; It absorbs in the air the dust, the carbon dioxide and so on deleterious substance, crisp air; It also reduces the noise; It provides for the wild animal perches the place, to provide food; It beautifies the environment, has the aesthetic value; It also protects plant gene and so on. Therefore we must from the protection environment high science understanding loving care flowers and plants woods importance, on own initiative cherish the flowers and plants trees. Participates in the tree-planting positively.国际贸易实务实训报告 |
爱护花草树木 |
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