河北能源职业技术学院学报Journal of Hebei Energy Institute of Vocation and Technology 第1期(总78期)
预备党员优缺点2020年3月No. 1( Sum. 78)Mar. 2020
摘要:南唐后主李煜是晚唐五代最为杰出的词人之一。后主词之所以具备如此高超的艺术造诣, 很大程度上得益于其章法结构上的匠心独运。文章从词之章法结构中起句、过片与结句三个基本方 面入手,对李煜词展开探讨,将其章法结构特点归结为起句大致分为以景起和以情起,且又可分为 “平起”与“陡起”;过片常见“承上启下”之法,同时又善用“一气贯注”之法;结句则可分为以景象作 结、以情貌作结、以情语作结和以比兴作结四大类。
中图分类号:L207.23 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671 -3974(2020)01 -0024 -05
The Composition and Structure of Li YuS Lyrics
XU Ji-xiong
(Capital Normal University , Beijing 100089, China)
Abstract : Li Yu , the emperor of the Southern Tang Dynasty , was one of the most outstanding lyrics poets in the late Tang and Five Dynasties. The reason why the Li Yu^ lyrics have such superb artistic attainments is largely due to its ingenious composition and structure. This paper discusses Li Yu lyrics from three basic aspects about the composition and structure of lyrics : the beginning sentence , the passing sentence and the ending sentence. The characteristics of the beginning sentence can be divided into two parts : beginning with scene and beginning with emotion. And it also can be divided into another two parts : " smooth beginning" and " steep beginning". The passing sentence commonly uses the method of " a connecting link between the preceding and the following" , and the method of " concentrating with one breath" is also well used. The ending sentence can be divided into four categories : ending with scene , ending with expression and appearance , ending with affective language and ending with metaphor and analogy.Key words : Li Yu; the
composition and structure ; the beginning sentence ; the passing sentence ; the ending sentence
中越冲突妙语触目即是,上品佳篇迭见层出,更不乏《虞美人》 《浪淘沙》等千古绝唱,令人百读不數。故后世论家
对其曾有“词中之帝”“南面王”之美誉,复诵其作汗 载之下,实非妄评。李后主词之所以高妙,很大程度
上得益于其别具炉锤的章法结构,而此匠心独运之 处,研读者诚不可轻易放过。古代论者对词之章法
结构亦多有谈及,且常常聚焦于词之起、结与过片 处。如沈义父《乐府指迷》中总结作词之法时说:“第
须是有一好出场方妙。”张炎《词源》亦云:“思其头如 何起,尾如何结……最是过片不要断了曲意,须要承
上接下。”笔者不揣谨陋,学步古人,亦试从词之起 句、过片及结句三个角度入手,对李煜词之章法结构 特点略作探析,扣盘扪烛,望有所得。_、起句
献给母亲的诗词之开篇首句称为起句,或曰破题。陆辅之《词 旨》云:“对句好可得,起句好难得,收拾全藉出场。”
李煜词沈义父《乐府指迷》亦称:“大抵起句便见所咏之意, 不可泛入闲事,方入主意。”起句为词之开端,颇具
给老师的一封信200字“登台亮相”的意味,往往关系到整首词的气格与情 调,因此古人作词在起句的结撰上常颇费心思,遂有 “大江东去”与“山抹微云”之殊。观之李词,起句尤 工,信手拈来,吐属自然,同时又常能新人耳目,不落 窠臼。以下详论之:
首先从内容上来看,李煜词的起句大致可分为 以景起和以情起两大类。收稿日期:2019-10-23
作者简介:许藝雄(1994 -),男,首都师范大学文学院古代文学专业硕士研究生,研究方向:唐宋文学。
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