1). the sinking ship    2). the sunken ship
falling leaves
a sleeping child
I like the girl dancing with that guy.
Unidentified Flying Objects
flying fishes
a promising young man
the exploiting class
an understanding man
Euphemism are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne.
1the broken cup    2厦门有哪些景点 the sunken ship
the exploited class
the oppressed nations
trained employees
boiled water
fallen leaves
a retired general
faded colors
departed friends
a married man
Police hunting the killer of a part-time police officer stabbed outside her home in northwest London are seeking a man wearing a hooded top(带有兜帽的上衣) seen running away from the scene.
There are two kinds of participles: one ending with-ing (the present participle), and the oth
er ending with-ed (the past participle). Which form to use depends on the relationship between the verb and the noun described. Study the following sentences.
a. The trembling old man stood by the broken window.
b. Frightened by a strange noise downstairs, he went down slowly, holding his gun in his hand.
c. Together the friends followed the trail, picking up the fallen strawberries as they went along.
When we use a verb to describe a noun, there must be a logical relationship between them: the noun either carries out the action or receives the action. If the noun carries out the action, it is the logical subject of the verb, and we should use the present participle. If the noun receives the action, it is the logical object of the verb, and we should Use the past participle.
Complete the following sentences by turning the verbs in brackets into proper parti
一帆风顺的反义词1. _______ (swim) slowly but confidently, he pulled the drowning girl to the shore.
2. It's a paradox that KFC and McDonald's, ________ (compete) all over the world, also help each other to succeed.
3. ________ (jump) aside, he dodged the stone ________ (throw) at him from a ________ (break) window nearby.
4. Demographic Research, a journal _______ (publish) in Britain but ________ (inform) scholars all over Europe, celebrated its 50th anniversary yesterday.
5. 关于青年的名言________ (have) to score all the papers in three days, the professor closed his door to all visitors. Three days later, he reappeared, ________ (exhaust) but greatly ________ (relieve).
Complex participle phrases
a. Watching the movie, the boy became very excited.
b. Having watched the movie, the boy became very excited.
c. Hurt in the game, Beckham may not be able to play in the coming World Cup match.
d. Having been hurt in the game, Beckham stayed in hospital for about two weeks.鹿晗的电视剧
As can be seen in these sentences, the present participle may appear in three different forms (Sentences b, c and d) besides its original form (Sentence a). The italicized part in Sentence b is the perfect aspect of the present participle, which means that the action of the participle verb takes place before that of the predicate verb. So, Sentence a means that the boy became excited while he was watching the movie, but in Sentence b the boy be-came excited after he had watched the movie.
Hurt in the game in the third sentence looks like a past participle. However, we can also regard it as the passive voice of the present participle with being omitted.(In this passive form, being is usually omitted, and then it becomes the past participle.) In Sentence d, t
he italicized part is the perfect aspect of the passive form of the present participle.
Use participles to combine the following sentences.
a. I bought a computer last week.
The computer brings happiness to everyone in my family.
The computer bought last week brings happiness to everyone in my family.
b. I was back in my hometown.
  I didn’t know that my professor had assigned another 5,000-word paper.
Being back in my hometown, I didn’t know that my professor had assigned another5,000-word paper.
c. The picture on the wall was painted by a post-impressionist.
Many people were standing in front of the picture.
They pretended that they could understand the picture.
Standing in front of the picture painted by a post-impressionist, many people pretended that they could understand it. / Many people stood in front of the picture painted by a post-impressionist, pretending that they could understand it.