Unit One How do you study for a test?
Part One Words
1. aloud 副词,出声地,大声地
e.g. The English teacher stressed the importance of reading aloud.
辨析:aloud, loudly, 与loud 的区别。
aloud 副词表示“出声”,即把话说出来;还可以表示“大声地”,强调发出的声音能被听见,常与read, call等词连用。
loudly 副词表示“大声地,响亮地”,有“喧闹”或“嘈杂”的意味。常与ring, knock 等词连用。
loud 形容词或副词表示“响亮地(的),大声地(的)”,指发出的声音音量大、传得远,多修饰speak, talk, laugh等。做副词时,用于动词后。
魔法记忆:“大声”三剑客,出声大aloud,嗓门儿大loud, 讨厌不悦耳loudly。
填空:1. When the fire broke out ,she called _________ for help. 火灾发生时,她大声呼救。
2. The music is too __________. Please turn it down.这音乐太吵人了,请把音量关小一点。
3. Don’t talk so __________. 别这么大声讲话。
2. pronunciation 名词发音;发音法
e.g.填空Can you ____________ the new words? Your____________ is wrong.
3. memorize 动词记住,熟记
memorize的名词是memroy (复数memories) 记忆,记忆力
have a good memory 记忆力好in memory of…纪念……
辨析:memorize 记住,熟记,强调记忆的过程无x无x成语
She said that memorizing the words of pop songs helped her learn English.
remember 记得,记住强调记住的结果I can’t remember his phone number. 填空:She can ____________ new words very quickly.
Please ____________ to send the letter after school.
4. differently 副词不同地,有区别地
e.g. My brother felt differently. 我的哥哥觉得不同。
形容词___________ 短语be ____________ from 反义短语____________
名词____________ 其复数形式为____________,后常跟介词between 和among表示“两者”和“三者或三者以上”有什么区别。
5. frustrate 动词使失望,使沮丧,使厌烦
形容词:frustrating frustrated. 名词frustration(s)灰心,失意,不满
填空Every job has its ____________.
Bad weather often ____________the travelers outside.
I can’t believe the ____________ news at all.
He got very ____________ because he failed the exam.
6. quickly 副词快地,迅速地
形容词__________ e.g. have a __________ breakfast
辨析:quickly 通常强调具体的动作迅速敏捷,反应快
fast 可做形容词或副词,强调物体(或人)的运动速度快
soon 强调动作所需的时间短
填空Please give me the answer __________. Please write to me __________.
7. add 动词补充,继续说
add 用法总结 1.做及物动词,补充,继续说
e.g.She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all.
常用短语:add…to…把……加到……add up to 总共是,总计为
填空If you __________ 5 __________ 3 and you will have 8.
八通一平8.spoken 形容词口语的,口头的
常在句中做定语spoken English 口语written English 书面英语
填空My teacher’s __________ English is very good., and she said written English was still important.
9.mistake 名词错误,过失
可数名词当动词意为“弄错,误会”e.g. I mistook what he said.我误解了他的话。
重点短语make mistakes / make mistakes 犯错,出错四级多少钱
填空I made a few ____________ in my homework yesterday.
make mistakes in …在某方面犯错误
填空She always __________ __________ __________ grammar.
by mistake 错误地
e.g.He put salt into her cup of tea by mistake.他错把盐放进了她的茶杯里。
填空He took my bag by__________. 他错拿了我的包。
mistake… for…错把……当作……过去式:mistook 过去分词mistaken
e.g. I think you must be mistaking me for someone.我想你准是认错人了。
I __________ him __________ his brother yeaterday. 昨天我错把他当成他弟弟了。
10.challenge 名词挑战challenger 挑战者
e.g. What a challenge! 一个多大的挑战呀!give a challenge to sb 向某人发起挑战动词挑战challenge sb. to do sth. e.g. He challenged me to play chess.
11.solution 可数名词(问题、疑难等的)解决,解答
e.g. There seems to be no solution to the problem
solution 的动词形式是solve
辨析:solution 一般指问题、疑难等的解决,解答多针对于problem answer 可做名词,动词多指一般性的问题的回答对应于question 注意:我们学过的用to 来表达of的词除了solution, answer还有__________, __________, __________.
12. later on 以后,随后
e.g. Lucy said it rained later on.露西说不久就下雨了。
Later on, he hated listening to this kind of music. 后来,他就讨厌听这种音乐了。辨析:later on 后来,以后只可单独使用
later 后来,……后可单独使用,也可用于“时间段+later”e.g. two days later
13.realize 动词认识到,了解到
e.g. He didn’t realize the importance of learning English.
14. matter 动词重要,要紧,有关系
it doesn’t matter………没关系后面可接that从句,也可接动名词
e.g. It doesn’t matter that the weather is not good.天气不好不要紧。
It doesn’t matter throwing that way. 把它扔掉没关系。
It doesn’t matter. 用来回答他人表示道歉的句子,如Sorry. / I’m sorry. 等。
matter 做不可数名词“问题,麻烦”时常加定冠词the.
matter 做可数名词“要紧的事”
填空I have many __________ to talk you.
15. afraid 形容词害怕的,犯愁的
be afraid that 从句意为“恐怕……”
e.g. I’m afraid that it will rain tonight.恐怕今晚要下雨。
I’m afraid 可以用来推测令人不喜欢的事或用来表示委婉的语气。回答别人问题时,可用省略形式I’m afraid so./ not.表示“恐怕如此/ 不行。”