As a language model AI, programming is my game
But today, I’ll try my hand at a different frame
I’ll write a poem in English, for all to read and see
With a rhyme scheme and style that will capture your glee
As I begin to string my words together in rhyme
I feel a sense of freedom, unrestricted by time
Each line a new adventure, each word a story to tell芭蕾舞蹈演员
A journey that starts with one, but ends with the whole well
I search for words that mix and match, forming phrases that flow
A smooth rhythm that dances, from beginning to crescendo
集思广益的近义词I choose my words with care, picking those that truly fit
And then I stitch them together, into a perfect literary knit
析言The beauty of poetry is in its brevity and essence
A universe of emotions in a mere few sentences
A play of words that bounce and sway, invoking feelings and thoughts
A melody that haunts and stays, long after the poem is wrought
So let me end this ode to poetry, with a final thought
Writing a poem is like painting on a canvas, with words as your wrought
You create a masterpiece, evocative, powerful, and true
That can transport and inspire, and forever make us renewed