I. 景区景点
植物园译为Botanical Garden,如福州植物园Fuzhou Botanical Garden
博物馆一般名称译为xxxx Museum,Museum放在最后,如历史博物馆History Museum;某机构的博物馆译为xxxx Museum of xxxx(机构名),如xx寺古钟博物馆Ancient Bell Museum of xx Temple
纪念馆:历史名人的纪念馆译为Memorial,人名不加’s,如林则徐纪念馆Lin Zexu Memorial;历史事件或事迹的纪念馆译为Memorial Museum,如新文化运动纪念馆New Culture Movement Memorial Museum
故居译为Former Residence,如严复故居 Former Residence of Yan Fu
展览馆、陈列馆译为Exhibition Hall/Exhibition Center,会展中心译为Convention & Exhibition Center
陈列室译为 Exhibition Room/Display Room
宫、院译为Palace,如颐和园Summer Palace;有些宫译为Hall,如紫禁城的乾清宫Hall of Heavenly Purity
殿、堂译为Hall,如紫禁城的太和殿Hall of Supreme Harmony、乐寿堂Hall of Longevity in Happiness
佛教、道教的寺、庙译为Temple/Monastery,如涌泉寺Yongquan Temple,白云观Baiyun Temple
伊斯兰教的寺译为Mosque,如北大寺Beida Mosque
亭、阁译为Pavilion,如道山亭Daoshan Pavilion
塔一般译为Pagoda,如白塔White Pagoda
牌楼译为Memorial Archway
高山译为Mountain,如武夷山Wuyi Mountain或Mt. Wuyi;比较小的山、山丘等译为Hill,如于山Yushan Hill/Yu Hill
岛译为Island,如东山岛Dongshan Island
湖译为Lake,如西湖West Lake
桥译为Bridge,如玉带桥Jade Belt Bridge地球公民
朝代名译为拼音,如汉朝Han Dynasty,但朝代名中包含的方位词应译成英文,如西周Western Zhou Dynasty、西汉Western Han Dynasty
经营类信息,通常采用英文直接翻译,应符合国际通用惯例。如旅游纪念品商店Souvenir Shop,礼品店 Gift Shop
1.严禁攀登No Climbing!
2、严禁倚靠Stand Clear/No Leaning!
3、严禁攀折No Picking!
4、严禁滑冰No Skating!
5、严禁携带宠物No Pets Allowed!
6、严禁中途下车No Drop Off between Stops!
7、禁止游泳No Swimming!
8、禁止钓鱼No Fishing!红烧烤麸
9、禁止排放污水No Waste Water Discharge!
10、禁止无照经营No Unlicensed Vendors!
11、禁止狩猎No Hunting!
12、禁止燃放烟花爆竹No Fireworks Allowed/Fireworks Prohibited!
13、禁止携带易燃易爆物品Inflammables & Explosives Strictly Prohibited!
14、禁止速降Downhill Skiing Prohibited!
15、禁止雪道中间停留Don’t Stop on Ski Slope!
16、禁止由此滑行No Skiing Here!
17、禁止开窗Keep Windows Closed/Don’t Open Windows!
18、非机动车禁止入内Motor Vehicles Only!
19、雷雨天禁止拨打手机Cellphones Prohibited during Thunderstorms!
20、卧床请勿吸烟Don’t Smoke in Bed!
21、殿内请勿燃香Don’t Burn Incense in the Hall!
22、高血压、心脏病患者以及晕车、晕船、酗酒请勿乘坐Drunks, sufferers of hypertension, heart disease and motion sickness not allowed on board.
23、防洪通道,请勿占用Flood Control Channel. Keep Clear!
24、非游览区,请勿进入No Admittance/No Visitors
25、1米以下儿童须家长陪同乘坐Children under 1 meter must be accompanied by an adult.
26、酒后不能上船Those under the influence of alcohol not allowed.
27、请抬起护栏Please Raise the Guardrail
28、请放下护栏Please Lower the Guardrail
29、请您不要坐在护栏上边Don’t Sit on Guardrail!
梦见鲤鱼30、前方弯路慢行Bend Ahead. Slow Down!
31、请自觉维护场内卫生环境Please Keep the Area Clean/Please Don’t Litter!
32、请遵守场内秩序Please Keep Order!
33、请您注意上方Watch Your Head!
34、请在台阶下等候Please Stand Clear of the Steps!
35、请您不要随意移动隔离墩Don’t Mo ve Barriers!
36、请您穿好救生衣Please Wear Life Vest!
37、请爱护洞内景观Please Help to Protect the Cave Scenery!
38、请沿此路上山Climbing Route/To the Top ↗
39、请勿投食Don’t Feed the Animals!
40、请勿惊吓动物Don’t Frighten the Animals!
41、请勿拍打玻璃Don’t Tap on the Glass!
42、请勿将手臂伸出车外Keep Arms inside Carriage!
43、请按顺序出入Please Line Up!
44、请爱请护林木Please Protect the Trees!
45、请保护古树Please Protect Heritage Trees!
46、请保护古迹Please Protect Historic Sites!
47、请爱护景区设施Please Protect Facilities
48、请爱护文物/保护文物Please Protect Cultural Relics!
49、请尊重少数民族习俗Please Respect Ethnic Customs!
50、参观路线Visitor Route
51、门票价格/票价Ticket Price
新年的52、危险路段Dangerous Area
嘀哩嘀哩歌曲53、游客须知/游园须知Notice to Visitors
55、单行线One Way
57、当日使用,逾期作废Use on Day of Issue Only
58、凭票入场Ticket Holders Only
59、团队入口Group Tour Entrance
60、缆车入口Cable Car Entrance
61、临时出口Temporary Exit
62、火警出口Fire Exit
63、月票Monthly Ticket
64、年票Annual Ticket
66、淡季时间Low Season/Off Season
67、旺季时间High Season/Peak Season
68、集体票Group Tour Tickets
69、允许拍照留念Photos Allowed
70、票已售完Sold Out
71、票已售出,概不退换No Refund. No Exchange.
72、经福州市政府福价费[2007]97号文件批准,凡进入xx的游客须购买门票Entrance fee is charged in accordance with the official document Fujiafei No.[2007]97 by Fuzhou Municipal Government
73、系好安全带Fasten Safety Belt
74、开放时间Open Hours/Business Hours
75、开园时间Opening Time
76、闭园时间Closing Time
77、表演时间Show Time
78、展板Display Boards
80、游客Complaints Hotline
81、游客Inquiry Hotline
82、游客报警电话(110)Police Call 110
83、示意图(导游图)Sketch Map
84、游览图Tourist Map
85、有佛事活动,请绕行Detour. Buddhist Ceremony in Progress.
86、风力较大勿燃香,请敬香Windy. No Incense Burning!
87、内部施工,暂停开放Under Construction. Temporarily Closed.
88、1.2米以下儿童免票Free for Children under 1.2 Meters
89、原路返回Please Return by the Way You Came
90、二十四小时营业24-Hour Service
1、售票处Ticket Office/Tickets
2、游客中心Tourist Center
3、客房部Guest Room Department
4、游船码头Cruise Terminal
5、办公区Administrative Area
6、公园管理处Park Administrative Office
7、广播室Broadcasting Room
8、游船Sightseeing Boat
10、缆车Cable Car
11、拱桥Arch Bridge
12、展览馆/陈列馆Exhibition Hall/Exhibition Center
13、陈列室Exhibition Room/Display Room
14、展区Exhibition Area/Display Area
15、展厅Exhibition Hall/Display Hall
16、团体接待Group Tour
18、导游处Guide Service
19、表演区Performance Area
20、游乐场/游乐园Amusement Park
21、儿童游乐场/儿童乐园Children’s Playground
22、民族歌舞Folk Dances
23、手工艺展示Handicraft Display
24、特餐饮Food Specialties
25、民族特街Ethnic Culture Street
26、导游亭Tour Guide Booth
27、主廊Main Corridor
28、车道Vehicle Lane头发怎么扎好看图解
29、农家院Farm House
30、专题展区Theme Display
40、牌坊Memorial Gateway
41、观堂Taoist Temple
42、遗址Historic Site
43、书房Study Room
44、滑雪场Ski Field
45、滑雪道Ski Slope
46、拓展区Outdoor Development Area
47、狩猎区Hunting Area
48、XX 养殖场XX Farm
49、宠物乐园Pet Paradise
50、无障碍售票口Wheelchair Accessible
51、中央展厅Central Exhibition Hall/Central Display Hall
54、休闲区Leisure Area
55、贵宾厅VIP Hall
57、阅览室Reading Room
58、贵宾通道VIP Only
59、员工通道Staff Only
60、租赁车Car Rental
63、步行街Pedestrian Street
64、货币兑换Currency Exchange
65、走失儿童认领Lost Children Information
67、三轮车接待站Tricycle Tour