(1)Thousan ds of ex-army officer s have found _________ jobs in private securit y firms in the US.
A.lucrati ve B.ludicro us
C.longish D.lucky
(2)The manager persuad ed the team to play the game. What actuall y happene d accordi ng to this stateme nt?金大福珠宝
A.The manager playedhard.
B.The team playedhard.
c2c网站建设C.The team actuall y did not play.
D.The manager actuall y did not play.
Human beingsare an irritan t to MotherNature,and in spite of the fact that it took their brainsfive million years to evolve,She can rid Herself of them in an instant. This, however, may not be necessa ry, since humansseem to be racingto see if they can save Her the trouble. They behaveso arrogan tly, contend ing they are superio r to Nature.Rain forests are being cut down or burned—not only polluti ng the air but also causing a drop in oxygenlevels.The love affairpeoplehave with their automob iles, especia lly“gashog”SUV’s,addstothepolluta nts in the air and is, yet, another nail in their coffins. Since prehist oric times, humanshave been stalkin g and killing animals, causing many, beginni ng with the mastodo n and saber-toothed tiger, to becomeextinct. Modernciviliz ationis rushing headlon g to slaught er animals in wholesa le lots, all the while tryingto prove its superio rity to MotherNature,usually with disastr ous results.
For thousan ds of years, humansalso have been defacin g the earth, makingscars upon the land. The throngs of peoplewho respond ed to the lure of gold in the Yukon totally strippe d mountai nsides of trees above the Yukon River to make rafts in order
to sail 500 miles to Dawson.Forty percent never made it! In the populat ed areas of the Himalay as very few trees remainsince the citizen s have cut them down for cooking and heating fires. With most of the trees gone, erosion occurson a large scale, washing away most of the topsoil, makingfood pro
duct ion difficu lt. Even more
disturb ing is the fact that, due to large-scale cutting, the famouscedarsof Lebanon, mention ed in the Bible, no longerexist. Along the same lines, so much of the rain forestin Panamais being destroy ed that scienti sts are predict ing the PanamaCanal could fill with silt, thus prohibi ting ships from crossin g the isthmus, due to the effects of defores tation.
Defores tation and erosion, along with changin g weather pattern s, have led to the fastest-growing regions on this planet—deserts. All the while, populat ions are explodi ng worldwi de and the prolife ration of deserts means there is less arableland to feed the increas ing numberof people. Starvat ion on a massive scale will run rampant, and wheneve r a noted ecologi st or environ mental ist sends out warning s about such dangers to human life, very few conside r givingup any of their conveni ences.For instanc e, they insiston using aerosol s and traveli ng one-to-a-car, thus addingto the emissio ns, which cause the ozone holes to expand,leading to more cases of skin cancer—a vicious cycle, indeed.
To make matters even more critica l, globalwarming is becomin g an ever-increas ing threatto the existen ce of humansand animals. Polar icecaps are melting, and section s, the size of the state of R
hode Island, are breakin g off. Traveli ng towardthe Tempera te Zones, they begin to melt, placing an inordin ate amountof fresh water into the oceansand causing an imbalan ce.
Humansfurther complic ate their lives by allowin g busines ses to release polluta nts in urban areas, in the name of profit.“Acciden ts”oftentakeplaceatrefiner ies where toxic fumes are release d into the air that peopleand animals breathe. Pestici des are so widelyused and pose such a threatthat it is amazing all of them haven’tbeenbanned.
Governm ents, anxious to appease money-hungrycorpora tionsand their stockho lders,have allowed timbercompani es into Nationa l Forests to cut virgin-growthtrees. Most of these busines ses clear cut vast areas and often wait an inordin ate amountof time to replant.
Burning questio ns never cease: When will governm ents—local, state, and federal—corpora tions, and the rest of the human race realize what is happeni ng to this planet?When will the race for profitcease to consume them? Perhaps it will come about when there is no land left to farm and feed the burgeon ing populat ion, or there is no clean water left to drink, or wildlif e to balance the ecosyst em, or, more importa ntly, when their childre n start dying. By that time, however, it probabl y will be too late.
1.In Paragra ph 1, “another nail in their coffin”issimilar in meaning to______.
A.a bad luck B.going dead
C.a blessin g in disguis e D.going from bad to worse
2.The authorpurpose fullycapital izes the initial letters of MotherNaturebecause ______.
A.the authoris clearly being sarcast ic and suggest ing that human beingsshow成语故事演讲稿