  My whole family to yunnan travel, swim many scenic spots in yunnan is very famous, such as lijiang, shangri-la, in But there is a scenic spot to let me the most amazing, the most difficult to forget, it is the stone forest.
  Yunnan is known as the stone of the world. Into the stone forest, feel like they are in the fairyland.
  The stone forest in the early morning mist is different. Close look at it like plumes, darkened the wonderful scenery of the day now. A gust of wind blowing, clouds disperse, a variety of wonderful scenery in sight. Look far, like a rough sea. Exposing a little sharp peaks, asing if is a desert island in the sea.
  We continue to follow the tour guide, deeper the more cold, at that moment I felt a chill, one after another came to sneeze. Walking, the guide stopped suddenly, one hand high, pointing to the distant mountains, side is introduced. Originally, the towering majestic mount
ain is called "lotus peak". I take a closer look at the lotus peak, its shape is like a blooming lotus flower, the shape of the stone as pieces of petals, on a narrow width. With a large lotus stone, vivid. Such a wonderful "lotus peak," how can I not take it home, "click", "" lotus peak is moved, I decided to, be sure to permanently preserved the beauty.
  Along the way, qifeng rocks upright. Suddenly, I saw a piece of stone, across the cliff, is difficult, the fall down in suession. But dad told me that the peak has across the cliff for millennia, there has been no break down, the stone is called "the wind stone".
  Through this trip, I learned that some books to school less than, it is the most beautiful scenery in the ghost town, beautiful scenery of stone forest forever in my heart.
  云南以石头闻名世界。走进石林,有种身临仙境的感觉了。 保密协议书范本
人死了应该说什么玉树花  清晨,石林的雾还真是与众不同。近看它像缕缕青烟,把那奇妙的风景遮得朦朦浓浓。一
  我们继续跟着导游往前走,越往深处越冷,这时一股冷气向我袭来,一个又一个的喷嚏就跟过来了。走着走着,导游突然停了下来,一只手高高地指着远处的山峰,一边介绍着。原来,那座巍峨雄伟的山叫“莲花峰”。我仔细瞧瞧那莲花峰,它形状似一朵盛开的莲花,石头的形状如同一片片花瓣:上窄下宽。用一个个石头组成一朵大莲花,形态逼真。这么奇妙的“莲花峰”我怎能不把它带回家,“咔”一声,“莲花峰’就搬家了,我决定,一定要把这个美景永久地保存下来。 心有灵犀猜成语