Differences of Table Manners between China and West
Chapter 1 Introduction
As the economy and culture developing rapidly, having dinner is not only for people basic physical need, but also the important skill in social communication. Good manners and courtesy have become increasingly common understanding of the public. With the deepening of reform and opening up policy in China and the strengthening of communication between China and West, people have a great number of opportunities to have dinner with foreigners. A lot of table manners, such as arriving time, seat arrangement, and order of serving dishes, tableware, behaviour and communication, reflect different culture and life-style in nations or countries. There are many differences of table manners between China and western countries.
It is extremely important for people to understand these differences to avoid making mistakes and promote the development of humanity culture and achieve interpersonal harmony in both countries.
Differences of Table Manners between China and West
Chapter 2 Literature Review
It is a common sense that different countries have different cultures. Table manners, as a kind of social customs, are deeply influenced by culture and vary in many different kinds of areas. China has characteristic table manners with a long history, and western countries also have their own table manners. To some degree, having good table manners is a symbol of a nation’s civilization and an expression of a person’s moral cultivation.
Differences of Table Manners between China and West
Chapter 3 Cultural Differences of Table Manners
3.1 Arriving Time
As we all know that Chinese people often arrive half an hour later than the predicted time and the host also seems to have prepares for that. When they are waiting for other guests, the host always arranges some games so that the guests who come earlier would not feel boring. While in western countries, people do things strictly and all the activities begin on time. People should arrive at the par
ty on time especially the formal banquets. It is considered as impolite and contempt for the host and other guests if one arrives 10 minutes later.
3.2 Seat Arrangement
In Chinese table manners, seating arrangement is the most important part. The seat of honor, reserved for the banquet’s master or the highest status’s guest, is in the center facing east or facing the door. And the other higher position guests sit closer to
the master of the banquet. The lowest position guests sit furthest from the seat of honor. If it is a round table, the one facing the door is the guest of honor. The seats on the left hand are second, and then in turn fourth and sixth and so on. The guests on the right hand are the same.
While in western countries, it is different. When the hostess announced dinner is ready, male host will lead guests to the table in turn, and the hostess walks behind them. Some host will also place name card on the table to show the seat.
3.3 Order of Serving Dishes
Chinese meals usually begin with appetizers. There are often four or five kinds of appetizers, such a
s, cold meats, preserved eggs, smoked fish and vegetable relishes. All these food are arranged beautifully on separate dishes or on one large platter. Then the hot food should be served. There is an important rule to serve the whole duck, chicken and fish, which is don’t put the head and tail to the major seat. After the hot dishes, then comes the main course, rice. At last, desserts and fruits are provided to help digestion.
In western countries, the first dish is appetizer as well. The second dish is soup. The third dish is fish dish. Meat and poultry dishes is the fourth dish, which also known as the main course. And the most representative is beef and steak. Salad can be a kind of side dish, which can be arranged either after or with the meat dish. The sixth dish is dessert, such as pudding, ice cream, cheese, fruit and so on. The final drink is coffee with cream or tea with sugar.
Differences of Table Manners between China and West
3.4 Tableware
Chinese people mainly use bowl, chopsticks and spoons. Chopsticks are the most important tablewa劳动法 加班
re in China. While in serving English meals, they use so much tablewares with different kinds and sizes. There are different kinds of glasses, spoons, plates, bowls and knives. The main tablewares in western are knives, forks, spoons, glass and napkin.
3.5 Behaviour and Communication
When on the dinner table, Chinese people talked a lot and enjoy the delicious food at the same time, which means the hospitality and sincere of hostess. Because they believe that the lively atmosphere on the dinner table reflects the cheerful of guests and the warmth of family. While in western, during the dinner, people talked little and cut their own food in the plate quietly.
友的成语Differences of Table Manners between China and West
Chapter 4 Main Factors Causing the Differences
4.1 Geography
The geographical location and the environment lead to the differences between Chinese and western cultures. People in different places will have different
培养人意见behaviours and cultures.
4.2 Tradition
With thousands of years of Chinese traditional culture, we believe that we should take care of others and cooperate with others. Chinese people use cheap chopsticks as tableware which can reflect Chinese collective consciousness. In the book Culture on Dinner Table, Mr. Yi Zhongtian said that the core thought of Chinese culture is group consciousness while the western core thought is individual consciousness. The western culture, to be self-centered, the boundary between people is very clear and they usually do not allow mutual interference. That makes western table manners without sharing a plate of food. Knife and fork also can reflect individual consciousness, and noble west of life.
4.3 Custom
People from different countries have different cultures and customs, especially in the aspects such as greeting, thanks, apology, flattery, and making telephone calls. When Chinese invited guests to have dinner, the host always picks food for guests and tries his best to make guests eat and drink more. While in western countries, the host would just let their guests help themselves and they woul
d never carry food to their guest’s bowl.
Differences of Table Manners between China and West
Chapter 5 Trend of Syncretism
Nowadays, an increasing number of western restaurants appear in many cities in China and an increasing number of people like to have meals in it. People have gradually learned western table manners in their daily life. It is obvious that the Chinese diet conception is sensible, and the western diet idea is rational. Now, the difference seems to become blurred with the strengthening of communication between China and West and the development of science. Instead of paying attention to the color, flavor and taste of the food, Chinese people, like the westerners, pay more attention to its health and nutrition. This dissemination and development of western style food has unavoidably made great influence on Chinese food and beverage industry, which made Chinese style food trade change in the aspects of managing concept, management mode, productive means, personnel cultivation and so on.
Differences of Table Manners between China and West
Chapter 6 Conclusion
我的朋友作文800字Social background, historical and cultural differences lead to the differences between Chinese and Western table manners. To some extent, table manner is a reflection of the kind of lifestyle, and the formation of habits which can not be obtained in a short period of time. It is actually a kind of historical and cultural sedimentation and extension. Knowing the differences, people can easily understand
the culture of each other. In face of these differences, we should comprehend and respect their habits and culture and remember that every culture is equal to the other. Only recognizing cultural differences between China and West and making a reasonable and effective integration, can we establish a social cultural etiquette system of contemporary China and reach the ideal harmonious society.
Differences of Table Manners between China and West
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