1 如何写结论
1.1 结论部分的内容与结构布局
(1) 概括说明本课题的研究内容、结果及其意义与价值。
元稹(2) 比较具体地说明本研究证明了什么假设或理论,得出了什么结论,研究结果有何实用价值,有何创造性成果或见解,解决了什么实际问题,有何应用前景等。
手机交费(3) 与他人的相关研究进行比较。伯乐相马
(4) 本课题的局限性、不足之处,还有哪些尚待解决的问题。
1.Overall, our study has revealed a variety of patterns at the community and population levels, none of which seem to indicate obvious decline in southeastern Ohio's oak-hickory (橡树与山核桃科树木) forests. 2.Clearly, sporadic insect outbreaks, pathogens (病菌), and climatic events have caused excessive mortality of certain species in certain stands (树林). 3. Some stands exhibited mortality as high as 40%. 4. However, an average of 20% dead stems in a stand appears to be reasonable without inferring excessive mortality or decline. 5. Likewise, certain species were in an obvious state of decline, but these generally had a clear pathogenic explanation. 6. Changes occurring due to insects and pathogens may be a natural and necessary phenomenon (Castello et al. 1995). 7. Evaluation of decl
ine symptoms in smaller size classes might provide additional useful information to be used in understanding the oak regeneration problem.
从例子可以看出,通过一项研究工作,可能会得出几条结论,这些结论的主次轻重可以从字里行间表现出来。如通过使用…has the strongest relationship…点出了最主要的结论,而运用…also…这个词,来表示递进关系,说明这句话陈述的内容是研究结论之二。有时为了清楚醒目,可以将结论列成几条。
1.2 结论部分的语言运用技巧
  结论部分与其他各部分不同的是,现在时态 (特别是一般现在时和现在完成时) 使用频率很高,这是因为结论部分总结研究者到前为止做了些什么工作,得出了什么结果,这些结果对现在来说有什么影响、意义和价值,能够应用于什么地方,解决什么问题等。
用主动语态时,常常用this paper, this investigation, this study, this survey, the results, the analysis 或we, I 等作主语。
孙杨是哪里人例a. This study clearly demonstrates that…
b. This investigation discovers that…
c. This study reveals that…
d. We have described…
e. We have shown…
f. In this paper we have proposed/discussed…
g. These results represent…